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Lantech - Cable Electrical 4COND 18AWG Straight F Micro QD 2M SJOOW - 30036943

Lantech - Cable Electrical 4COND 18AWG Straight F Micro QD 2M SJOOW - 30036943

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Lantech - Cable Electrical 4COND 18AWG Straight F Micro QD 2M SJOOW - 30036943

Country of Origin: MEXICO

Tariff Code: 8544.42.9000

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Click the ADD TO QUOTE button to get a personalized quote for this specific part....If you have any questions or comments please make sure to include them with as much detail as possible…….…Some Lantech parts may have a lead-time, which will be determined

Click the ADD TO QUOTE button to get a personalized quote for this specific part....If you have any questions or comments please make sure to include them with as much detail as possible.

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More Information
SKU M-26379-P
Short Description Lantech - Cable Electrical 4COND 18AWG Straight F Micro QD 2M SJOOW - 30036943
Custom note Add To Quote to get a personalized quote for this specific part.
Machine Brand Lantech
Manufacturer's SKU 30036943
Manufacturer's Model Number 30036943
Manufacturer Category Stretch Wrap Machine Parts
Unit of Measure each